→ Liability for content
We can find the information on our website up to date. Despite careful editing a liability is excluded.
→ Liability for links
Our site contains links to external websites over which we have no control. The respective provider or operator is always responsible for the contents of any Linked Site. For the content and accuracy of the third-party sites information providers is liable in any way or has given a guarantee.
→ Copyright
The contents and works on these pages created by the site operator are subject to German copyright law. Duplication, processing , distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the creator / owner.
→ European Arbitration
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS): https://ec.europa.eu/info/index_en.
Our e-mail address can be found on the right in the imprint.
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.
Thank you for your interest in our online presence. The protection of your personal information is very important to us At this point we would like to inform about data protection in our company. Naturally, we comply with the legal provisions of the Data Protection Act ( BDSG), the Telemedia Act (TMG ) and other applicable data protection regulations. For your personal data, you can trust us! They are encrypted through digital security systems and transmitted to us. Our websites are protected by technical measures against damage, destruction or unauthorized access.
→ The subject of data protection
The subject of data protection is personal data. These are according to § 3 para 1 BDSG any information concerning the personal or material circumstances of an identified or identifiable natural person. This includes eg information such as name, postal address, e- mail address or telephone number, and if applicable also usage data such as your IP address.
→ Scope of data collection and storage
In general, it is not necessary for use of our website that you provide personally identifiable information . We actually but can provide our services , we need your personal information if necessary . This applies both to the sending of informative material or ordered goods as well as answering individual questions .
If you ask us to provide a service or the sending of goods , we will collect and store your personal data in principle only insofar as it is necessary for providing the services or carrying out the contract. For this purpose, it may be necessary to disclose your personal information to companies that we use to provide the service or to contract. These are, for example, transport companies and other service services. If we make one of the actions described below or other or transactions, we want to collect and store your personal information and will be asking at the relevant point of our website to your explicit consent :
• Sending de Newsletters
• Contest participation
• Other services and offers which is required for their data collection your express consent.
After complete contract management your data will be blocked and deleted after expiration of the tax and commercial law , unless you have expressly consented to going beyond data use .
If you have logged in with your e -mail address to receive our newsletter, we use your e- mail address via the Treaty Implementation addition, for our own advertising purposes until you unsubscribe from the newsletter subscription .
→ Data collection through the use of Google Analytics
Qur website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics uses ” cookies”. These are text files that are stored on your computer and allows an analysis of their use of the website . It covers , for example, information about the operating system , the browser , your IP address , which you call up a website (referrer URL) and the date and time of your visit to our website. The information generated by this text file through the use of our website will be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of our website , compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services with the website use and the Internet use related services. Unless otherwise required by law , or where such third parties process this data on behalf of Google, Google will continue to pass this information to those third parties . This usage is anonymous or pseudonymous . For more information refer directly to Google https://www.google.com/intl/de/privacypolicy.html # information
Google uses the DoubleClick DART Cookie
Users can disable the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Privacy Policy of the advertising network and content network of Google .
In this case, no direct personal user data are stored , but only the Internet protocol address . This information is used to automatically recognize you on your next visit to our websites and to facilitate navigation. Cookies allow us, for example, to adapt to your interests a website or to store your password so you do not have to enter it again each time .
Of course, you can view our websites without cookies. If you do not want us to recognize your computer, you can prevent cookies from being saved on your hard disk by selecting in your browser settings “Block All Cookies ” . How this works in detail , please refer to your browser manufacturer’s instructions. If you do not accept cookies, this may result in functional restrictions on our site .
You can prevent (browser) the installation of cookies by changing the settings of your Internet use program. You must turn off the storing of cookies in your internet browser. For more information, please take the user instructions of your internet browser.
→ Collection and storage of usage data
Collect to improve our website and we store data, such as time and date of a page view , the page from which you have accessed our site, and the like. This is done anonymously , without identifying the users of the site personally . If necessary . User profiles using pseudonyms are created . Again, there is no link between the behind the pseudonym of natural persons with the collected usage data for collection and storage of usage data , we also use cookies . These are small text files that are stored on your computer and for storing statistical information such as operating system , your internet use program (browser) , IP address , the website previously called (referrer URL) and the time to serve . These data are collected exclusively for statistical purposes in order to further optimize our website and make our Internet offers even more attractive . The collection and storage is done only in anonymous or pseudonymous form and is not an indication for you to be natural person.
→ Assigned Data Use
We adhere to the principle of assigned data usage and collect, process and store your personal data only for the purposes for which you have provided to us . A transfer of your personal data to third parties without your explicit consent unless this is not necessary to provide the service or to carry out the contract . The communication of this information to state institutions and authorities if we are required by a court decision to provide information only within the scope of the statutory information obligations or .
Also, the company’s internal data protection very seriously . Our staff and the services we commission are sworn to secrecy and to comply with data protection regulations.
→ Information and Withdrawal
You get at any time without notice for any reason for free information about your stored data. You can always block , correct or delete your data collected on us . Also, you can at any time revoke the consent to us collecting and using data without giving reasons. Contact . Therefore ask the contact address given in the imprint We are at your disposal at any time for further questions about our privacy statement, and processing of your personal data.
Note that to Privacy Policy and manipulations on data protection , for example on Google, can change constantly . It is therefore advisable and necessary to keep it informed about changes in the law and practice of companies , such as Google.
Agency for companies and
Estate in the wine industry
Dipl. Ing. Roland Minges
Mühlweg 6
D-76833 Siebeldingen
T +49 [0] 6345.954045
F +49 [0] 6345.954041
M +49 [0] 170.2069386
E roland.minges@weinimmobilien.de
VAT ID: DE 201409252
Permit brokerage: according to paragraph 34cGew0
Design: Kluge Gestaltung . Landau
Realization/Webdesign: DIGIMEDIA . Creativstudio
Photography: Hans-Georg Merkel . Landau,
Roland Minges . Siebeldingen,
Karlheinz Schmeckenbecher . Landau,
Adobe Stock