Eichelmann “Germany’s wines 2019”
Falstaff “Wineguide 2019”
→ Sold wineries are successful! Professional care in Oenology and Marketing pays off.
Wine estate Bremer, Zellertal / Pfalz
Wine estate Alexander Hässler, castles / Mosel
Wine estate Nicole Graeber, Edenkoben / Pfalz → CHANGE IN THE WINERY → Download Press Report
Agency for companies and
Estate in the wine industry
Dipl. Ing. Roland Minges
Mühlweg 6
D-76833 Siebeldingen
T +49 [0] 6345.954045
F +49 [0] 6345.954041
M +49 [0] 170.2069386
E roland.minges@weinimmobilien.de