Logo Wine Estate │ Roland Minges


If you are interested in our offers and/or services, you are welcome to contact us by email or telephone:
roland.minges@weinimmobilien.de or +49 [0] 6345.954045

Please understand that we need your contacts for the serious processing of inquiries. Your Data will of course be treated strictly confidentially.

In general, we consider a personal discussion at the beginning of a cooperation as the basis for a goal-oriented, trusting communication.

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Agency for companies and
Estate in the wine industry

Dipl. Ing. Roland Minges
Mühlweg 6
D-76833 Siebeldingen

T +49 [0] 6345.954045
F +49 [0] 6345.954041
M +49 [0] 170.2069386
E roland.minges@weinimmobilien.de